Monday, July 7, 2008

Alleluia people!!!

Aaaalleluia.alleluia.alleluia...(sing with Whoopi Goldberg's Sister Act tune, please)..marta-a-marta-inter-merata...santos, santos, about stress relief!!! Exams are finally over...and yours truly feels like a wild elephant let loose from its chains!!!...the photo says it all, right? :> hehehe...not that i did that much studying la...Then of course, i have to pinch myself back to reality, remembering that the results will be out after a month or so, and this euphoric joy is bound to be short lived! :<>

Hhaaaiii...what a relief! And officiate my blog....finally, the first step towards creating my own homepage..hahaha...yes, yes, big dreams as usual until the lazy bug hits me...then it will be see no homepage, hear no homepage, make no homepage!!! hahaha...lets hope that doesn't happen...i have been postponing so many things on my to-do list, just because i wanted to concentrate on clearing this last Did i make it??? GOD knows!!! For now, i just want to sit back relax and read my life away till i find another new project to play around till next time...adios amigo! :>
24 November 2005

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